For Our International Contestants: Invicta Open 2017 Competition Rules


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Invicta flyfishing group invites to Invicta Open fly-tying competition.  The Invicta Open will be held with three rounds with different themes where the jury will try to select the ultimate fly-tyer. Individual winners will be selected in each round, including an “overall winner” about one month after the last round is announced.

The contest is self-financed, and any surplus will be donated to the preservation of Wild atlantic salmon and Sea-run trout.

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Open from 15.01.17 Open from 15.02.17 Open from 15.03.17
Deadline 15.02.17 Deadline 15.03.17 Deadline 15.04.17
Theme: dry Theme: wet Theme: Salt


Register by sending your flies to the secretary of the competition. By deadline, the flies needs to be registered by the secretary. Send by priority mail within the deadline to be sure that your contribution will be registered

Head of secretary
Erik Torp
Furutoppen 9
3320 Vestfossen

Remember to wrap the flies carefully. Registration will be approved when the fee for the round is registered. The secretary is allowed to fail contributions when the formal requirements of the competition is not upheld.

If you have any questions, please contact:


The fee for registration is 100 NOK (10 EUR) for each round and needs to be transmitted to account 90151679594. To participate in all three rounds of the competition, one collective payment of 300 NOK (30 EUR) can be transmitted to the same account. Mark your payment with “Invicta open” + your name.

IBAN: NO2090151679594


Banking Adress: SpareBank 1 Midt-Norge, 7467 Trondheim


§ 1 Flies

Enrolling flies needs to be carefully wrapped, with 3 examples for evaluation. The shipment should contain information about:

Pattern name
A description of pattern (material used) and, by choice, information of where and how you use the fly
Your name, address, e-mail and phone number

CITES certificate must be included if you have used any material listed by the CITES authority. Flies tied with Jungle cock, without the CITES sertificate, will be disqualified. The organizational committee encourage our contestants to refrain from materials from endangered species even though the material is sold legally.

For each round, only one pattern (one kind of fly) is allowed for submission.

All patterns handed in for evaluation must be practical; ultra-realistic patterns will not be evaluated.

The following criterions applies:

Degree of difficulty
Overall performance

§ 2 Submitted contributions

Submitted contributions are the property of Invicta. Submitted flies will be auctioned to support the foundation “Redd Villaksen.” (Save the Atlantic Salmon)

§ 3 Awards and Evaluation 

The overall winner will be awarded with a great prize sponsored by Nordic Outdoor Company ( First, second, and third best overall contestant is awarded as well with a framed lithography.

Degree of difficulty  25 %
Uniformity 25 %
Technique 25 %
Estetics 10 %
Overall performance 15 %

The jury consists of four experienced fly-fishers and fly-tyers and appointed by the organization committee.

All flies submitted to the competition will be given an anonymous number of reference to ensure fair grounds of evaluation.

§ 4 Contestants

The competition is open for all contestants, amateurs as well as professional fly-tyers. All is welcome.


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